
GoodHabits (2024)

GoodHabits is an app that was developed as a proof of concept to explore the use of declarative programming with SwiftUI. It assists you in setting goals, tracking your progress, and staying motivated. GoodHabits guides you on a 66-day journey to better behaviors through customizable “I will ...” goals. Document your daily wins, stay consistent and watch as small actions lead to big changes.


  • Simple & Intuitive Interface – The clean and modern design makes it easy to create, track, and review your progress.
  • Notifications & Reminders – Stay on top of your goals with helpful notifications to keep you motivated every day.
  • Home Screen Widget – Quick access to your daily habits directly from your home screen, helping you maintain focus and accountability.

Why 66 Days?

Research shows it takes around 66 days to form a new habit. GoodHabits supports you every day of the journey, building momentum and keeping you on track. Celebrate each completed day as you make lasting changes in your routine!

GoodHabits Create Habit
GoodHabits Notification
GoodHabits Widget

LIVE.STAND (2016-2021)

LIVE.STAND is a revolutionary app that helps you maintain proper posture and stay active while working at your desk. Connecting to your sit-stand desk via Bluetooth, LIVE.STAND reminds you to change your position and encourages you to move from sitting to standing positions throughout the day.

As the sole developer for both the iOS and Android versions of LIVE.STAND, I am responsible for the creation and implementation of all features and functionality. The app is expertly crafted using Swift for iOS and Kotlin for Android, and utilizes advanced technologies such as UIKit, CoreData, CoreBluetooth, SwiftUI, Combine, and RxAndroid to deliver a seamless and intuitive experience.

With LIVE.STAND, you can easily maintain good posture and a healthy lifestyle at work, all with the convenience of your smartphone.


IlcoControl (2016)

As the sole developer of IlcoControl, a control app for care beds, I am responsible for the creation and implementation of the app's features and functionality. Communication between the app and the care bed is facilitated through Bluetooth technology, and the corporate design of the app is customizable for each client. The trade show prototype of IlcoControl was programmed in Swift and utilizes UIKit and CoreBluetooth. This project marks my first time developing an app entirely in Swift.

Ilco Control

FlowMeter (2016)

The FlowMeter app, developed by me as the sole developer, allows users to track and record their subjective experience of "flow" according to Mihály Csíkszentmihályi's theory. Simultaneously recording heart rate data via a Bluetooth HR chest strap, the FlowMeter app presents this information in easy-to-read diagrams. Users also have the option to upload their data to Dropbox or transfer it to their computer via iTunes.

Written in Objective-C and utilizing UIKit, CoreData, and CoreBluetooth, FlowMeter employs third-party libraries to efficiently compress, upload, and display data. Unfortunately, the FlowMeter app is no longer available in the Apple App Store.

FlowMeter Running
FlowMeter Stats
FlowMeter Settings

Flow Machine (2015)

I was involved in the development of the Flow Machine app, which is designed to help users turn physical activity into a habit in their daily life. I contributed to the architecture of the app and developed the framework for step and event detection, as well as storage. The app is programmed in Objective-C and uses technologies such as UIKit, MapKit, CoreData, CoreLocation, and CoreMotion to provide a visually appealing interface, track the user's location and movements accurately, and store and analyze data efficiently. By detecting the beginning, steps, turns, and end of a walk, the Flow Machine creates a soundscape that plays as the user walks, encouraging them to stay active and form a healthy habit.

FlowMaschine Start
FlowMashine Running

RiderApp (2014)

As a founder of out there! communication UG, I was involved in the development of the RiderApp, a social network for trail riders. In 2014, the RiderApp was commissioned by Noma GmbH from out there! communication UG, which was a shareholder at the time. I programmed parts of the app in Objective-C, and my specific contribution to the project included the map interaction feature, which used MapKit, CoreLocation, and MapBox to allow users to interact with maps within the app. Unfortunately, the RiderApp was discontinued in 2022. Through the RiderApp, trail riders were able to connect with each other, share information about trails and rides, and potentially plan group rides or events.

ReiterApp Route

cubodo (2012)

cubodo is a game that involves transporting virtual packages over real-world distances. In the game, players can create their own packages or pick up packages from other players and transport them to different locations. To earn points and progress in the game, players must drop off the packages and add content to them by taking a picture. The app uses MapKit, CoreLocation, and other technologies to track the movement of the packages and allow players to interact with them on a map. My specific contributions to the project included the map interaction, user account management, and the REST-like communication with the backend, which was implemented using the CakePHP framework. Cubodo was developed as a master project at the University of Applied Sciences Bremen, and the success of the project led to the formation of the startup out there! communication UG.

cubodo Map
cubodo Package
cubodo Profile

Easter Egg Hunt Bremen 2011

I was involved in the development of the Easter Egg Hunt Bremen 2011 app, which was an innovative treasure hunt event. Virtual Easter eggs were scattered across ten areas in Bremen and could be seen on the app within a range of five meters. By tapping on an Easter egg and then shaking their iPhone, players could redeem one of three coupons. The app was programmed in Objective-C and used technologies such as UIKit, MapKit, CoreLocation, and CoreData. My specific contributions to the project included the map interaction, user account management, and the REST-like communication with the backend. The backend was implemented using the CakePHP framework.

Ostereiersuche Karte
Ostereiersuche Ei
Ostereiersuche geöffnetes Ei

GRAVI-T (2010)

GRAVI-T is a mobile game developed as part of a group project at the University of Applied Sciences Bremen. As the player, you must navigate the game character through a continuous obstacle world by tapping on the screen to reverse the gravity. I was responsible for animating the game character and displaying the highscore. GRAVI-T was programmed using Objective-C and the Cocos2D game engine.

GRAVI-T Running

Dr. Simon Bogutzky